QRZ! Ham Radio 6
QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 6.iso
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55 lines
Operating FAX
To operate FAX, you must press either the WFAX or the NFAX buttons. The
HAM screen will be closed, and a 640x400, 16 grey level screen will be
opened. If the Amiga you are using has more than 1 megabyte of memory,
the AVT system will attempt to allocate a BIG memory for use with the
FAX images. This memory consumes about 615k bytes. Yes, 615 THOUSAND
bytes. This is because FAX images are extremely high resolution, at
least compared to the images we are used to working with in desktop
systems like the Amiga.
In general, select the 1/3 button before receiving a FAX image. THis
means that the system will receive 1200 lines of video - and every
3rd one will be drawn on the screen whiel receiving. This is the
only way to receive a full fax image on a 1 megabyte machine.
If you select the 1/2 button, evert second line will be shown, and only
800 lines will be recieved. If you select the 1/1 button, every line
will be shown, and only 400 lines wil be received.
The filter button (explained in the file 'Scope.doc') does affect
FAX reception.
In order to receive a FAX image, you simply press the RX button, and the
image will begin coming in immediately. It will very likely NOT be
aligned correctly, however - in order to accomplish this, press the left
mouse button once, quickly. Note that the information now coming in has
"slid" to the left. FAX images always start with a "phasing" period,
which is a short time (10-20 seconds) when the video being sent consists
of a short white area and then all black. If you are catching a fax
image from the beginning, tap the left mouse button until this is aligned
to the left edge of the screen.
If you hold the left mouse button for about 4-8 scan line times, the
receive will abort.
Once the FAX image has been received, IF you have the fax memory
allocated, you can pan around it by using the cursor keys on the keyboard.
In addition, there is a window with PAN controls available if you
click on the scope display - however, this function is still under
development, so there may still be some problems with it. We suggest
you stick to using the keyboard to pan around the fax images.
You can save IFF, which saves a 640x400 bw screen, or you can Agian,
only if the fax memory was allocated) save the actual FAX image, by
selecting the appropriate option from the menu.
WARNING! Do NOT select LOAD SSTV in FAX mode!
If you go back to sstv mode (by pressing any SSTV mode button) then
the fax image will be lost.